Dunkey described Overwatch 2 as the “most depressing” game of the year

called Videogamedunkey Monitor 2 The “most disappointing” game of 2022. Monitor 2 It was one of the most anticipated games for quite some time, and although the game had a huge launch week, it was full of issues. For starters, the game was immediately hit by a DDoS attack that prevented people from logging in. After this was resolved, the game was still experiencing server issues resulting in long wait times and even people getting kicked out of the game. To make matters worse, there were bugs and a controversial change that forces players to give Activision their phone number just to be able to log into the game. It’s all a little complicated, but the actual game… well, it’s Overwatch!

For some people, this is where the problem lies. YouTuber Videogamedunkey agrees with this sentiment and explains how Monitor 2 Not just a first game, but actually worse in some places. It highlights how the game goes way back, especially when it comes to the abilities and performance of some of the characters. Since Dunkey has been playing Overwatch for quite some time, it’s interesting to see how he feels about the controversial changes to the game as well as areas that the game is completely lacking. However, in general, Monitor 2 It is well received, but it has its critics. It is much less of a real sequel than just an improved and updated version of the original game.

ComicBook.com gave the game 4/5 and felt strongly about the game, but noted that there was still room for improvement. “In terms of gameplay, Overwatch 2 is more fun than it’s ever been. However, we’re fortunate, as Blizzard has clearly been listening very hard to the community since the game’s launch hasn’t gone very smoothly, and it seems that the potential for more Repairs and tuning are their top priority. It will be interesting to see where things are after a year, as this is both a blessing and a curse for the live service game.”

Monitor 2 Now shown on consoles and PCs. what is your opinion of the game? Let me know in the comments or hit me up TwitterCade_Onder.



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